Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day 92 - Last minute souvenirs.

So I tried to sleep in this morning, kind of worked.

I went to the markets with the Aussie guy I met and bought some last minute presents and had some lunch, which was an epic meat pie with mashed potatoes, YUM! I also had a herbal tea which was soooo nice.

We walked around for a while and bought presents, then I chilled out for the rest of the day.

I watched some movies later that night with a Dutch guy I met, nice dude. He bought some movies because the movies in the chill out room are all shit lol.

So we talked for a while, then I went to bed pretty early to get as much sleep as possible before I have to go!

Things that mad me happy today; Finally finding a gift I've been looking for for ages!

Things that made me sad today; FUCKING MISSING HOME! (this isn't going to change until I'm home lol)

Day 91 - Wasting time.

So once again I woke up in Camden. I love this place, but I'm so over it and I really just want to come home.

I have to say, I'm REALLY over traveling and living in hostels... I REALLY just want to come home!

I honestly didn't do much today. I hung out most of the day and chatted to Paul. And re-packed my bag to fit everything in (which I managed to do successfully)

Although I did meet an Aussie guy in my room and we went to the movies later that night which was fun. We saw Contagion. Pretty cool movie actually, but the cinema was shit ass tiny lol.

Things that made me happy today; Seeing what a movie cinema is like in London I geuss lol. Oh and fitting everything into my bag.

Things that made me sad today; Being bored for most of the day and wanting to come home. And the cinema not having milk to make me a Ben and Jerry's milkshake :(

Day 90 - Shopped until I dropped!

So this morning I woke up in lovely Camden town.

My first instinct?? MARKETS! (for food)

So I missioned to the markets and had some amazing food, then I fucking shopped!!! I found this AMAZING store with REALLY awesome dresses, and this really lovely Brazilian girl working there and I just tried EVERYTHING on.

I only had a certain amount of money, so I bought two dresses, then I had to leave, go back to the hostel, use the wifi, transfer some more money, and then went back and bought 5 more dresses! Oh so exciting. The girl working there seemed to love me though lol.

After I bought all these dresses I realised I had to fit them all into my bag which was a bit stressful, but I figured I would think about that later.

So thats pretty much all I did today LOL. I shopped for myself mostly, and a little bit for others too.

Things that made me happy today; Finding the most amazing shop and having EVERYTHING fit me.

Things that made me sad today; Wishing I had more money and baggage allowance.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day 89 - Bye Amsterdam!

So this morning I woke up, checked out and basically just sat around talking to Paul until i had to catch my flight to London.

I caught it at about 6pm, and everything went swimmingly and I got into London at 6.10pm (time difference lol) I then got my bags, caught the tube and found my hostel all very easy, it was a very smooth trip.

I got dinner at this amazing little chicken shop across the road from the hostel. Two burgers, and chips and a drink for two pounds!!! Amazing value!!

Anywhoo that's pretty much all I have to report for the day. pretty boring. Sorry about that.

Things that made me happy today; The travel going very well.

Things that made me sad today; Not being home... So over traveling at this point.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Day 88 - I AM(over)sterdam

So I didn’t really have much to achieve today, I got my washing back from the day before, so I folded that and packed my bag (which was a LITTLE tough as I’ve bought so much here)

So I went to pick up my dress at the markets (because as a backpacker, I don’t carry around enough cash for a dress like this, lol, so I put a deposit on it and came to pick it up)

So I was pretty happy about that, then I bought MORE clothes hahaha.

The cool thing is I’ve realised I have more money at the end of my trip than I thought I would, so… I’m spending it! Lol, only time in my life I can afford to be broke right?

I had some food at the market, some Dutch tiny pancakes (I can’t spell what they’re actually called LOL) And a ‘traditional’ English pie, but it tasted like crap, so I just ate the pastry lol.

So after the market I didn’t actually do anything else, I just hung out at the hostel and spoke to Paul for ages. I really am so ready for home L

Later that night I went and got my last joint for Amsterdam, It was a good one.

Then I slept for like 12 hours straight LOL.

Pretty average day to be honest, but I love my dress

Things that made me happy today; Picking up my dress

Things that made me sad today; Missing home so VERY much.

P.s. the title of this post is only because I miss home so much, not really because I don;t like it here. I'm just REALLY ready for home...

Day 87 - The day of the PERFECT dress

This morning I got up and had some breakfast, then went shopping at a DIFFERENT market LOL (the one I had been trying to find for the last 3 days hahaha)

This market was soooo much better. WAY more clothes, way more food and just generally bigger.

So I’m walking around, find this AMAZING dress! I’m like ‘hmmm don’t think it will fit me, but I’ll try it on anyway’ FITS LIKE GLOVE! It’s amazing, expensive, but amazing LOL. One of the most expensive items of clothing I own actually lol.

After the success at the market (I also found a LOT of other things, mostly gifts and clothes) I decided to head back to the hostel, and find a coffee shop around there and bought some stuff, then went and had a smoke in the park, which was cool, there’s so many dogs around here, it’s cool when people let you play/pat them. I miss my dog.

Anywhoo, I headed back to the hotel room where the Italian guys were smoking, so I joined them. They went out for dinner, and another Dutch guy in my room (Cannot for the LIFE of me remember his name) went out for dinner, we ended up getting Chinese, it was AWESOME. Then we got Dutch donoughts again. YUM!

After that we went back to the hostel and slept.

Pretty awesome day I must say for having spent most of it by myself.

Things that made me happy today; Finding a bombshell dress that fits me like it was MADE for me.

Things that made me sad today; Not carrying enough cash to actually BUY the dress today and having to go back tomorrow (although, this isn’t such a bad point as it means I get to go shop more tomorrow lol)

Day 86 - Reading a map in the rain is hard

This morning I got up at a reasonable time, and I went to the café across form my hostel and had a cheese and ham omelette, was awesome, and VERY cosy inside the café.

After that, I once again went to the markets and wandered around, just bought heaps of stuff, didn’t really do much.

I then went into town and tried to look for some souvenirs that I saw last time that I was here (but decided to buy this time to save bag space) So I bought some gifts for people.

I ended up getting REALLY confused as to where I was (that’s Amsterdam) So I stopped and had pancakes in a shop, it was HUGE, covered in bananas and icecream and chocolate. WAY too big, but delicious!

I eventually found where I was meant to be, and did some more shopping, then caught the tram back to the hostel.

It was a pretty massive day actually, I walked HEAPS.

Later that night I just smoked with the Italian guys in my room again and had a shower and went to bed.

Pretty cool day, but very long.

Things that made me happy today; Eventually finding the right gifts!

Things that made me sad today; getting lost in the rain, pulling out a map in the rain is hard.